Welcome to the Kindness Project, the podcast designed to share stories of kindness and share how kindness can make positive change in our world, one small act at a time.
In this week’s episode we talked about Soup, Winter Sports and we have part 2 of our interview with Lisa Cable from Radfield Care Home
Kindness Intro Chat
Soup 1:26
Winter Sports 2:13
Kindness News
Oil donation means Wiltshire family can heat home 9:51
we have part 2 of our interview with Lisa Cable from Radfield Care Home 12:17
Answers to last weeks question of the podcast
What’s your favourite famous quote?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Christopher.Daems/posts/10158136735756603
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisDaems/status/1488208597909704710
Dominic Thomas – I have a dream 36:16
Steve Dann – I have a cunning plan 36:19
Russell Daems – “If i have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” 36:24
Mark Bartley – It an awful big adventure. 36:35
Tony Slimmings – Be the change that you want to see in the world. Ghandi 37:32
Graeme Macmillan – Henry Ford, “whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” 37:37
Will Robins – ‘Can I have a crisp?’ Howard Moon 37:56
Harry Webster – Plans are worthless, but planning is everything – Eisenhower 38:05