Welcome to the Kindness Project, the podcast designed to share stories of kindness and share how kindness can make positive change in our world, one small act at a time.
In this week’s episode we talked about Acme Products, Anime Knowledge and we are joined by Bianca Sainty from Pod Fitness
Kindness Intro Chat
Acme Products 4:54
Anime Knowledge 6:42
David Forsdyke’s Silver Linings
Coronavirus: Care home creates ‘drive-through’ visit 9:08
Devon County Show knitted bunting doubles existing Guinness World Record 10:10
Happy Birthday to Jack 13:38
Local musician returns to Antiquary to sing to residents and staff 14:54
Bianca Sainty from Pod Fitness 15:57
Listeners Stories
Q. If you could be either a fictional or cartoon character for a week who would you be?