Welcome to the Kindness Project, the podcast designed to share stories of kindness and share how kindness can make positive change in our world, one small act at a time.
In this week’s episode we talked about Staying Connected, Rastafarian Whales and we talk about our 2019 kindness acts plan
Staying Connected 0:38
Rastafarian Whales 2:48
Question of the podcast 6:34
Homeless man’s message to the amazing people of Plymouth 8:59
man is giving free haircuts to the homeless 15:27
Young girl spends birthday money feeding homeless people 17:25
we talk about our 2019 kindness acts plan 18:57
Martin Bamford 32:08
Charlie Goodman 32:40
Haidee Ball 32:44
Roberta White 33:30
Sarina Duffy 33:42
Nila Mistry 33:48
Chris Budd 33:59
Russell Daems 34:32
Nadene Stevenson 35:37
John Cook 35:54
Justin Gaffney 36:04
Lauren Ball 36:30
Bev Stoves 36:37
@Plannergrrrl 37:03
Dan Gaylor 37:11
Laura Janes 38:09
Tim Morris 38:34